Why a Life Coach?

Throughout our lives, there are moments when we feel “stuck” or just unsure of the next step we should take. This could be a career move, addressing a relationship issue, or navigating a separation. These common events can become road blocks that hold us back from personal growth and pursuing dreams, and can keep us from knowing ourselves fully and enjoying healthy relationships with those around us. This is where a life coach can play an important part in empowering you to get past these frustrating stages.

A life coach is a professional who will be an unbiased ear and that resource to help point you in a better direction, or can just be someone who will listen without judgement. We don’t tell you what to do but we enable you to make decisions for yourself by helping you discover what you really want and determine how to go about getting it.

The life coaching industry has grown quickly over the past 20 years as people have come to realize there are times in their lives when what they need is not comprehensive counselling but something less intense, more relaxed, and which begins in the here and now. While counselling provides valuable benefits by helping people come to terms with past experiences that are affecting their current lives, life coaching is about moving forward, working on becoming the person you want to be, defining and focusing on goals, and laying out an action plan.

If you find yourself in a place where you don’t feel fulfilled personally or professionally and need support to explore where you could go next, you’ve found that resource right here.

Feel free to reach out to me if you are curious and have questions.